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Going beyond the contract

Successfully closing out a contract and setting up follow-on contracts / work.

Important things to do

  • Throughout the life of the contract maintain a trusted relationship with the client.

  • Identify further opportunities to expand the contract or start new contracts well before the current contract ends.

  • Seek feedback from the client at the end of the contract. Capture lessons learnt.

  • Return any assets / materials / access passes provided by the client.

  • Capture client testimonials.

  • Record a description of the project / work undertaken including the client, timing, description and value in a register of projects. You can draw on this to show your business’s track record and experience.

  • Ensure intellectual property is managed appropriately.

  • Note any ongoing liabilities, warranties, insurances that are required to extend beyond the end of the contract.

  • Build and maintain relationships with clients and prospective clients.

Things to remember


Remember, your business is as good at as it's last contract / project. If you have successfully fulfilled a current contract, this quality work will be taken into account when the client awards future contracts. 


  • Return all government supplied materials.

  • Maintain confidentiality as required.

​For government

Case study

How Lend Lease and Kallico Catering built a long-lasting relationship

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Top 10 client testimonial web pages.

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Other interesting stuff

Successful Indigenous business owners



contract readiness


helpful information

Key procurement acronyms

Key procurement terms

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